BRIDGE BINGO Facebook Livestream

28apr2:00 pm2:30 pmBRIDGE BINGO Facebook Livestream

Event Details

BRIDGE BINGO on Tuesday April 28th at 2:00 p.m. on our Facebook page.


Here is what you’ll need to do to join in:

– Get a piece of paper and a pen or marker.

– Draw a big 4×4 grid on the paper following these steps or click here for a blank template.
– In each box, write any number between 1 and 25. Be sure to mix them up and only use each number once.

– Don’t forget the “FREE” Space!

– Find some BINGO markers. You could use pieces of paper, coins, M&Ms, buttons, or whatever you have at home.

Then on Tuesday, just listen for your numbers and mark them on your home-made BINGO card! You can use the same card for each game.

When you get BINGO, type “BINGO” in the comments!


To watch the Livestream, head to our Facebook Page:

Login to your Facebook account around 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday,

scroll down to “Posts”, and watch for the Livestream to begin.

Be sure to comment on the livestream and let us knowwhen you get BINGO!

We hope you’ll join us!

Contact BRIDGE at with any questions.



April 28, 2020 2:00 pm - 2:30 pm CST(GMT+00:00)



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