Additional Resources


Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC)

Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC)
ADRC can help sort through the options available for adults with disabilities along with their family members and caregivers, including maintaining independence, long-term care and related services, Medicare and other health-related benefits, Social Security benefits, and support services and resources in the community.

St. Croix County
St. Croix County Website

Pierce County
Pierce County Website

Center for Independent Living for Western Wisconsin, Inc. (CILWW)

Center for Independent Living for Western Wisconsin, Inc. (CILWW)
The CILWW advocates for the full participation in society of all persons with disabilities. Their goal is to empower individuals to exercise choices that maintain or increase their independence. Their strategy is to provide consumer-driven services at no cost to persons with disabilities in Western Wisconsin.

Counties served: Barron, Chippewa, Clark, Dunn, Eau Claire, Pepin, Pierce, Polk, Rusk, St. Croix.
CILWW Website

Katie Beckett

Katie Beckett

The Katie Beckett Program is a special eligibility process that allows certain children who are residents of Wisconsin with long-term disabilities, living at home with their families, to obtain a Wisconsin Medicaid card.
Katie Beckett Website

State of Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development (DWD)

State of Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development (DWD)
Department of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) Services
DWD serves individuals with disabilities who face a substantial barrier to employment. DWD provides employment services and counseling to people with disabilities, arranges for services to enable an individual to go to work, and can assist with training employers regarding disability employment issues.
DVR Services Website

St. Croix County Health and Human Services

St. Croix County Health and Human Services
The St. Croix County Department of Health and Human Services promotes individual and family self-sufficiency by providing a coordinated continuum of services for eligible county residents.
St. Croix Health and Human Services Website

Wisconsin IRIS (iLIFE)– Include, Respect, I Self-Direct

Wisconsin IRIS (iLIFE)– Include, Respect, I Self-Direct
IRIS (iLIFE) is Wisconsin’s Self-Directed Supports Program for adults with disabilities. With IRIS you determine the combination of supports and services you need, including who will provide the services and when and how they will be provided. The IRIS team is available at every step to help you build the life you want with the support you need!
iLife Website


BRIDGE To Home Services

Our partner company BRIDGE To Home Services provides provides 1:1 safe and essential care for youth and adults with disabilities in their homes with availability on weekdays, evenings, and weekends.

BRIDGE To Home Website


Down Syndrome Association of Minnesota

Down Syndrome Association of Minnesota
The Down Syndrome Association of Minnesota is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide information and support to people with Down Syndrome, their families, and their communities.
Down Syndrome Association of Minnesota Website

Parent 2 Parent

Parent 2 Parent
Parent to Parent of Wisconsin provides support to parents of children with special needs through a one-to-one connection with another parent who has had a similar experience and who knows firsthand about the feelings and realities that come with having a child with special needs.

833-361-6300 (Families)
715-361-6307 (Professionals)
Parent 2 Parent Website

P2P has had an increase in the number of calls looking for the support of another family with experience with a child who has seizures, a mental health condition, autism, and families who have young children with Down syndrome as well as other conditions. If you are interested in learning more about how to become a support parent we would like to invite you to attend support parent training.

Parents in Partnership (PIP)

Parents in Partnership (PIP)
PIP, part of the Wisconsin Statewide Parent-Educator Initiative, is a group of parents and other caregivers meet together five times during the year to share their family stories, challenges, joys, and triumphs of raising their children. At PIP participants will learn about community and statewide resources for children with disabilities and explore issues around health, education, policymaking, legislation, inclusion, self-determination, family well being, and IDEA Special Education Law.
833-879-7734 | E-mail
Parents in Partnership Website

YiPPE (Youth in Partnership with Parents for Empowerment)

YiPPE (Youth in Partnership with Parents for Empowerment)
YiPPE, also part of the Wisconsin Statewide Parent-Educator Initiative, is a group of youth (ages 15-20) and their parents who meet together five times during the year. They listen to speakers and take part in hands-on activities in parallel programs centered around transition. While some topics may overlap, parents will be able to enjoy their own sessions while their youth are learning similar information in a youth-friendly format.

The Western Wisconsin Autism Advocacy & Consulting Center, Inc. (WWAACC)

The Western Wisconsin Autism Advocacy & Consulting Center, Inc. (WWAACC)
The WWAACC is a non-profit organization developed by parents & family members of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Their mission is to empower, educate, and support families, caregivers, educators, and service providers of children with ASD, and to provide resources and information for parents to make informed decisions regarding the needs of their child.
WWAACC Website


Canine Support Program

Canine Support Program
This is a program that serves adults with disabilities and at-risk youth throughout St. Croix County by offering interactive activities with Therapy Dogs. Currently 4 certified Therapy Dogs are part of the program. Group and individual activities available onsite. The program is fully insured. Contact Jill Hilliard at:

Program Details
Dog Bios

St. Croix Therapy (SCT)

St. Croix Therapy (SCT)
SCT offers both traditional and nontraditional intensive therapy to aid in the development and treatment of children as well as physical development and recovery therapies for adults. They have successfully treated thousands of patients with a wide-range of physical and cognitive challenges including autism, cerebral palsy, traumatic brain injury, attention deficit disorder, sensory defensiveness, and sensory integrative dysfunction.
St. Croix Therapy Website

Walk On Therapeutic Riding Program

Walk On Therapeutic Riding Program
Therapeutic riding and equine assisted activities have been shown to improve muscle tone, balance, posture, coordination and motor development. Walk On Therapeutic Riding Programs are held at the Double K Acres Equestrian and Therapeutic Riding Center located in the beautiful Kinnikinnick River Valley, northeast of River Falls, Wisconsin.
Walk On Therapeutic Ridign Program


Wisconsin Statewide Transition Initiative

Wisconsin Statewide Transition Initiative
The purpose of WSTI is to improve transition programs and services so that students with disabilities can make a successful transition from high school to postsecondary education or training, employment and/or independent living. The WSTI project provides personnel development, support services, and information dissemination to promote understanding and implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 2004 transition requirements and effective practice.
Wisconsin Statewide Transition Initiative Website


A- Taxi

A Taxi
Taxi Services & Transportation to Minneapolis Airport
Phone: 1-800-392-8294

Boyd Car Service

Boyd Car Service-
Transportation for individuals with special needs.
Phone: 715-529-2693