Consider what BRIDGE Community Employment Services can offer employers:
Internship: Allowing an individual to obtain some work experience for around 15-40 hours a week for up to four weeks. BRIDGE will pay that employee’s wages for the duration of the internship. At the end of the internship, the employer has the option to hire the employee (which is the hope) or not hire the intern if they do not have room for another employee at that time.
Once the employee is hired, half of the their salary and fringe expenses will be covered by the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (Department of Labor) for up to 90 days during their employment. During this time, employers will be able to train their employee with the assistance of a job coach if needed.
There are tax credits for small and large businesses available for hiring individuals with disabilities.
BRIDGE Community Employment Services integrates people with disabilities into the community through supported employment. Our professional team provides an in-depth look at individuals work interests, abilities and areas of need when considering job placements. Community Employment Services assists individuals to:
BRIDGE spends extensive time with our job candidates to best understand the skills, abilities and interests of our qualified candidates. BRIDGE will only place an individual at a job if it is the right fit.
A BRIDGE Job Coach will be provided for employees that may need extra assistance BRIDGE is always available to help and guide an employer through the duration of an internship and employment.
There is no special or extra insurance needed when hiring an individual with a disability. In fact, many employers probably have employees with disabilities on their staff.