St. Croix Valley Give BIG Results are In!

St. Croix Valley Give BIG Results are In!

🥁 Drumroll for the Final Total 🥁

$7,350 Raised!


Almost twice our goal! Thank you for making our #giveBIGforBRIDGE campaign on April 28th, 2020 an extraordinary day of giving during Give BIG St. Croix Valley.

The mission of BRIDGE is not possible without our AMAZING supporters coming together with the common goal of bringing excellent services and programs to youth and adults with disabilities no matter the obstacles!

Thank you for believing in BRIDGE!

$500 – Anonymous
$50 – Anonymous
$50 – Elspeth Ballantine
$50 – Anonymous
$50 – Virginia Ballantine
$100 – Drew Bentrott
$20 – Anonymous
$50 – Casey Bland
$250 – Anonymous – Dedicated to Corbin
$500 – Brinsko Family Fund – Matching Gift
$100 – Bill Chantelois
$100 – Candice Collins
$50 – Dan and Marilu Craft
$30 – Anonymous
$100 – Anonymous
$50 – Jessica Fredricksen
$1,000 – Peg Gagnon – Dedicated to all BRIDGE families, staff and Board of Directors
$50 – Luke, Heidi and Evelyn Gardner – Dedicated to Jordan Adam Elwood
$50 – Mary Jo & Joe Graetz – In memory of Emily Engesether
$250 – Susan Hartzell
$100 – Paul Hill
$50 – Anonymous
$50 – Teresa Jennings
$50 – Kristen Johnson
$100 – Lori Jurek
$25 – Donna Karis
$50 – Penny Keith – In honor of Ali Sutter
$100 – Anonymous
$300 – Stephen Koch
$25 – Roxanne Kolashinski
$100 – Anonymous
$250 – Julie Lesher
$25 – Juliette Lohman
$50 – Lilly Lutterman
$25 – Anonymous
$100 – Anonymous
$100 – Scott Mellanby
$50 – Anonymous
$100 – Glenda Moen
$100 -Kandace Nyberg
$100 – Peggy Parkinson – In memory of Beautiful Marky
$100 – Annette Peterson
$50 – John Ramstad
$100 – Linda Redding
$50 – Nora Reid
$100 – Mary Richardson- In honor of Patrick
$100 – Kim Speckman
$25 – Kim Steinmetz
$75 – Jesse Stickler
$25 – Geena Troester
$200 – Anonymous
$100 – Anonymous
$25 – Sarah Wiskerchen
$50 – Alicia Zenk
$100 – Lynn Zevenbergen
$1,000 – Samantha Zinober- Dedicated to Alec Ballantine

Thank you Everyone!