Tuesday, November 27th – #GIVINGTUESDAY 2018

Tuesday, November 27th – #GIVINGTUESDAY 2018


Tomorrow is #GivingTuesday2018, a day all about showing support for the nonprofits that make our world a better place!


On #GivingTuesday2018 please consider donating to BRIDGE at: http://bridgecl.org/donate/

OR becoming a member/renewing your membership at: http://bridgecl.org/membership/


Your support is vital to our organization and will help to achieve our vision of ensuring that all individuals with disabilities are seen as community assets to be nurtured and developed so that they can become welcomed and engaged citizens in our communities.

Whether you’re a parent, guardian, friend, family, or community member – if BRIDGE makes a positive impact on you and your family, please consider a donation.

Thank you!