10 Aug The Tournament Results Are In!
Thursday, July 20th was Thrivent Financial of Hudson’s 6th Annual Corbin’s Cup Golf Benefit for BRIDGE For Community Life on Hudson’s Troy Burne Golf Course. This year, participants, sponsors, and auction donors raised a gross total just shy of $26,000, in support of ongoing BRIDGE programs that allow youth and adults with disabilities to receive year-round day services, find meaningful employment, and engage in community-based activities with friends and our communities.
Creative Homes served as a Gold Sponsor for the 2nd year in a row and Croix Valley Vet Hospital and O’Neill Elder Law served as Silver Sponsors for the event.
“The Corbin’s Cup Golf Benefit has become a fundamental part of BRIDGE,” said BRIDGE Executive Director, Peg Gagnon. “It’s great to see a mix of new and familiar faces always eager to support our cause. The event gets better and better each year thanks to every person who participates and especially thanks to Bjorn Nesvold of Thrivent Financial who effortlessly leads the tournament.”
For $135 per golfer, the event provided 18 holes of best ball scramble golf, cart, free use of the range and facilities prior to shotgun start, dinner, and more. Additional fundraising opportunities included mulligans, skill games, a live auction, silent auction and a 50/50 raffle. This year’s 50/50 raffle went up to $2,114 which was split between BRIDGE and a lucky winner.
Congratulations and thank you to Creative Homes owner, Nick Hackworthy, and his team who won the tournament and immediately donated the $500 prize back to BRIDGE.
“This tournament means a great deal to me,” said Bjorn Nesvold. “My cousin with disabilities passed away at an early age, and during his life he and his family benefited greatly from programs like the ones BRIDGE offers. The Corbin’s Cup is a reminder of his spirit and of the important services organizations like BRIDGE offer. Thrivent Financial is proud to host this tournament for the 6th year now and in the years to come.”
To learn more contact BRIDGE at 715-381-8230 or at info@bridgecl.org.